Monday, April 29, 2013

Photo Album 1

Ed McClanahan, Chloe Scott, Dorothy Bender, Jim Wolpman, Diana Barich ,
Barbara Ann Barnett and Vic Lovell
at 57 Homer Lane, Menlo Park, CA

Ed McClanahan, Chloe Scott, Dorothy Bender, Jim Wolpman, Diana Barich ,
Barbara Ann Barnett and Vic Lovell
at 57 Homer Lane, Menlo Park, CA
Dorothy Bender and Barbara Ann, September, 1975

Dorothy and Barbara Ann, Feb, 2011
Dorothy and Barbara Ann, Feb, 2011
Dorothy and Barbara Ann at party celebrating publication of Barbara Ann's book "365 Ways to Raise Confident Kids", 2006 

Photo Album 2

 Bonnie Clouse (left), guitar, Rebekah Jaqua, fiddle (middle) and Barbara Ann (right), accordion.

Barbara Ann Barnett, Kate Kirby, Susan Martin

Barbara Ann in Homer Lane-Style Hottub

Photo Album 3

Barbara Ann with son Beau Barnett and grandson Griffin Barnett

Barbara Ann with Gary Mortensen (center) and Mary Ann Willis

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Email: 4/27/2013 - Barbara Ann and Diane Gamble Briney

On 4/27/13 1:26 PM, "Diane Briney" <> wrote:
Hi Barbie,

It has been awhile since I have seen your cheerful face but I do remember it so well from our high school days.  Your smile is what I remember most and your beautiful son has been lucky enough to inherit it.  I do remember how I envied you being admitted to SDSC one semester earlier than the rest of us!  You were always so smart and beautiful and had the sweetest personality!  I am proud of your attitude to live your life on an upward swing and face whatever comes with the clear eyes of one at peace with the world.  Just want you to know you have touched so many lives and we will always remember you as the sweet, strong woman you are.

Stay true to yourself as I know you will, Diane Gamble Briney

Date: Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 7:23 PM
From: b.a. barnett <>
To: Diane Briney <>

Diane, hello!  Once I saw your maiden name GAMBLE, then your face appeared as a curly-haired blonde teenager—so sweet and lovely to see you!  Thank you for the very kind and clear words.

Your words are evocative........memories arise........that piece of history you mention about being admitted to SDSC a semester earlier than the rest and feeling envious...... I spent every summer (summer school) working hard to accumulate the credits necessary in order to get out of the house, to escape my family of origin!  No picnic there at home.  So school became my playground, friends became my soul-mates; immediately after school was out, retreating to the ‘den’ to practice my accordion lessons became my sanctuary for mastery in a family life where I felt depressed and helpless!

Apologize if this is what they call an “over-share.”  Ever since waking up in the hospital I’ve been encouraged to be REAL.  OK, I think I’ll stop there!  “Tomorrow is another day.”

Email: 4/27/2013 - Barbara Ann and Don Jones

From: b.a. barnett [] 
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 7:29 AM
To: Don Jones;
Subject: brace yourself, bad news

Hello Don,

So sorry you and I never met in person, and very, really deeply sorry to leave this wonderfully exciting world of trad jazz I only discovered less than 3 years ago.  But it seems my number is up.  If there is unfinished business I have inadvertently left behind, please contact my best-in-the-world daughter-in-law, DEBRA BARNETT, and tie up those loose ends properly.

I have a favor to ask you, Don.  With whatever discretion you can apply, could you please contact Joe Fos and give him a message from me?  I understand he’s on cruise at this time, and wish I had taken care of this a long time ago.  In our college days, Joe and I had a brief and subtle ‘thing.’  He has never left my heart.  I want him to know I never fully let him go, and that I regret never singing along with his piano.

And if you don’t mind, wish a fond farewell to Alice and John Contreras.  They mattered to me. Many thanks for whatever and ALL that you do for so many good folks.  See you down the trail, my friend.  Happy trails.

Barbara Ann Barnett
~~~no longer to wrangle an accordion

On 4/27/13 2:45 PM, "Don Jones" <> wrote:Dear Barbara: 
    I can only imagine what you are faced with at this time; your message sounds so dire. 
    I would happily contact Joe Fos, but we have no such name in our list of subscribers nor musicians. 
    I'm copying this to Alice and John so they can read for themselves what you've Emailed to all of us. 
    Tried phoning you a minute ago but got a "disconnected" message instead. 
    Assuming it's not possible for Barbara to reply, please fill me in on what's going on with our favorite "Accordian Wrestler." 

Best Regards,
Don Jones, Publisher
The American RagFrom: b.a. barnett <>
Date: Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: brace yourself, bad news
To: Don Jones <>

Hi Don,
Thanks for writing back.  Joe Fos is the pianist who circled around the center of the Sun Valley Jazz  Festival.  I’ve known him since our college days, and had always hoped to be able to reconnect with him, somehow, through jazz.

Competent friends here in the S. F. Bay Area have created a blog to celebrate my music, track some of my personal and music history, etc.  If you care to, you can access through good old friend, Dorothy Bender , at  There’s an adorable little b&w film clip there taken by my paternal grandfather when I was 7 and my sister was 10, flying kites and playing our accordions (1949).  Also great old western accordion music I performed for years with various groups, but my favorite was actually a cowgirl duo, with Sagegrush Swing, only a few years before I immersed myself in trad jazz..

Functioning here where I live in Santa Cruz is, so far, not diminished; spirit is strong; support and love coming from all corners, I’ve been immensely blessed in my life.  Check out the blog if you want, and pass it forward.

Thanks for contacting Alice & John; they were both special to me, and for trying to get ahold of Joe.  Perhaps someone out there on your list knows of him and his whereabouts.  IF SO, HE KNEW ME AS BARBIE JENSEN!  All I know now is that he is currently on a cruise.

CARRY ON!!  I’m stickin’ around as long as it feels this good!

Very best to you and everyone you love, and every single one of those trad jazz players! BE WELL, DON, AND KEEP SHEPHERDING YOUR WAY THROUGH THAT FABULOUS MUSIC.

Barbara Ann Barnett

Email: 4/28/2013 - Gayle Curtis

From: b.a. barnett <>
Date: Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: Barbara Ann Barnett -
To: Dorothy Bender

Hi Gayle!  Glad to hear from you, via my blog angel, Dorothy, who has spread me so far out that high school chums are e-mailing.  One woman I went to Hoover High with in San Diego saw your video and wrote saying she wants to move to Homer Lane!  I think you also would enjoy the 1949 b&w home movie produced by my paternal grandfather in San Diego of my then 10-year old sister, Linda, and me at 7 yrs. old flying kites, playing accordions, and more.  I feel supported simply by the fact that you’re hovering around the edges of my life at this time.  It seems this event has prompted a real calling in of the troops, most of whom I hope to see before I croak, just in case that’s where I’m headed.......I’m not convinced.
Love & Light

Email: 4/26/2013 - Hi from Mission Valley from Martha Hesser

From: Martha Hesser <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 13:02:04 -0800
To: <>
Subject: Hi from Mission Valley

Hi Barbara Ann,

I have tried twice to write to you via the blog, but I'm just not good at so it is back to good old email for me.  I think of you daily and send warm thoughts and good energy your way.  When we had lunch we spent some time talking about your mom and I started thinking about that.  I know you would always come down and check on her and visit and play your music for everybody.  I was wondering if you would like me to check on her.  I wouldn't mind a bit.  Please let me know if you would like me to do that.  I have no idea what you have told her and would honor whatever your wishes might be.  In any case,  I did want to offer and to reassure you that I really wouldn't mind a bit and would be happy to help.

Speaking of the blog, though, I am totally enjoying seeing the loving support coming your way and returned by you back to your many caring friends and admirers..  I love the pictures too, especially the early ones.   Where in the world does the time go????????  When I was in my early twenties I had an answer for everything now I only have questions.  The only thing I know for sure is that the only certainty in life is uncertainty.  I can't remember who said that but it really spoke to me when I read it.  I quite embrace the Buddhist concept of being in the moment.

I'm sending you a giant 
With much affection,
Martha (Allen) Hesser

Friday, April 26, 2013

Email: 4/25/2013 - Update on Barbara Ann

From: <>
Date: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:28 PM
To: Dorothy Bender <>

Hi Dorothy,

As for an update on Barbara Ann, you can tell everyone she's doing great. Other than confusion and some fatigue, she really doesn't have any symptoms yet so we are grateful for that. We met with the Palliative Care team yesterday and Beau, myself, and her will now begin the discussion of how to plan for what's next. Other than that, she is doing great and put as simply as possible, she is loving life, every minute of it.

I also have attached some photos here if you want to post them on the blog so folks can have a visual of the family she is living with. We don't seem to have a lot of all together family photos but I'm sending what I think will work. Griffin (14), Sam (9), & Lucas (6). Thanks again.


Email: 4/25/2013, Doug Lytton "You are in my thoughts".

On 4/25/13 7:34 PM, "Doug Lytton" <> wrote:
I don’t know if you remember me from Hoover but I along with the entire male class of 1960 had a crush on you!  You were (are) so beautiful, smart and friendly to everybody, a quality that is such a beacon to people.  Your courage and positive attitude are much appreciated and will be remembered always.

Thank you for your gifts to this world and your shining example of style and class.
God’s speed – with deepest affection,
Doug Lytton


From: b.a. barnett <>
Date: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:47 PM
To: Doug Lytton <>

Doug!  Been a long time, eh?

You ALL are my gang, but I didn’t really know how GOOD you are.  How could that have slipped by me?  I remember almost each and every one of you, but sometimes have to look through the Annual to recall images to put with names.  And then, now here I go moving on without getting to hang out in our later years, laying out the broader, deeper layers explored and exchanged. I wanted it all.  I got a tremendously whole lot and I leave satisfied.  Yup, got filled up.....Thanks from the bottom of my heart; see you around the bend.  Please take the best loving care of yourselves and each other as you possibly can.

Love & Light

Email: 4/26/2013 - Wini Leeds "Fond Memories"

From: Wini Leeds <>
Date: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:10 AM
Subject: fond memories
To: "" <>

Dear Barbara Ann - thanks to Dorothy, I have been able to follow you into this latest phase of our
common journey, and I am trying to learn from your wisdom as I, like all the others, will be
coming along behind you.  This reminds me that even before I knew you, I followed you into
Jim's law office behind the Whole Earth Truck Store, and shortly later into the attic at Hale Street.
Thinking back over the years, I remember square dancing to your music at the La Honda fire
house, and enjoying your gigs with Lone Prairie in Santa Cruz and with Audrey at the Blue Rock
Shoot in Saratoga (I think), and other places too, I'm sure, but memory fails.

Keep your light shining, Barbara Ann.  I hope to come with Dorothy to see you soon.  I send
you Jeff's love too, along with mine.
Love, Wini

Email: 4/26/2013 - From Barbara Ann and "Bring Me Sunshine" video

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: b.a. barnett <>
Date: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 7:49 AM
Subject: Just remembered something quite special.........

Please see if you can get a video from YouTube for song titled “Bring Me Sunshine.”  I think it’s been passed around quite a bit these past 2 years.  When you’ve grabbed and broadcast it, please acknowledge Jim Harget for discovering and disseminating it.  Jim is a mainstay in the trad jazz society I’ve been associated with these past 2+  years (SOUTH BAY TRAD JAZZ SOCIETY) and he gets BIG credit.  

The video was made/produced by a British team with a beautiful imagination and perfect timing, turning from b&w to color, the music magical, scenario set in vintage 40’s, acting & singing & unfettered, stylized vintage dancing (The Lindy) done with great charm....I’d say this is a perfect video.  Jim Harget is on a fiercely-driven mission that I fervently hope restores deep health and comfort to every regenerating cell in his body and soul.  He deserves it!

Moving right along.........Love & Light

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Email: 4/25/2013 - Jeanne Friedman to Barbara Ann and response

From: Jeanne Friedman <>
Date: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:13 PM
Subject:  a sweet memory and love to you
To: "b.a. barnett" <>

Dear old friend Barbara Ann -

As always, I am in awe of the calm light you create around yourself and others lucky enough to be in sight of you.

Because of your emails with Martine, I am now back in touch with her - it feels like our Homer Lane lives are circling around us!

A sweet story - when Nat was still maybe a young teenager (which would make this maybe 20-25 years ago) I took him to see Homer Lane -- we just drove in unannounced. You were home - how wonderful was that!  You invited us in right away.  I had told Nat stories of Homer Lane for years - I was thrilled to have
him get a tour from you, including marveling at how good the laundry house looked!

The old hippie school bus was parked in front, and Nat asked you what that was - you said "that's a cultural artifact -- you need to know about this - ask your mother to tell you."  I did.

I will see you later in May.  I am so looking forward to spending time with you.

My phone number is 510-847-3767.  Please call any time.

All love and good thoughts coming your way ~

Jeannie Friedman


From: "b.a. barnett" <>
Date: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 9:31 PM
To: Jeanne Friedman <>

You are such a dear to write the note, reminding me about Nat and my 'cultural artifact' response, recalling all those nights I spent at your home while doing spiritual work in Berkeley.  This evening there's a strong
knowing that the depth to which we planted our seeds was GOOD, for they are springing up here and now.  I love the idea of the entire gang coming together.....really appreciate the part about your e-mails with Martine.

The gods willing, we will spend time.  Seems odd that it seems odd that it's not up to me!  So far a "visit schedule" is being managed by my amazing daughter-in-law DEBRA BARNETT, reachable at I stay out of it  'cuz when I don't, things get more confusing!  But then, I
guess there's worse than 'confusing,' and since this is what we've been given to work with, might as well get those songs sung and go out on as high and clear a note as possible.

Email: 4/24/2013 - Dear Friends of Barbara Ann from Dorothy Bender

On Apr 24, 2013, Dorothy Bender wrote:

As you may know, earlier this month, Barbara Ann was diagnosed with the very worst kind of brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme; she is now living in Santa Cruz with her son Beau, her daughter-in-law Debra, and their 2 children. Debra writes her "spirits are very high and she is very much at peace with where things stand. She is a joy to have in our home and is spending her time celebrating her life and connecting with dear friends.."

We have set up a blog in order to exchange up-to-date news about Barbara Ann and collect our own memories, photos, music, videos, etc. Many of you have already been exchanging emails and music with her; if you want to add some of the text or the music to the blog, please let us know. The blog is called:

1. To write a comment, go to the Blog Archive on the right hand side of the page, highlight and click on **** Comments by Friends of Barbara Ann ****.    You will first see the comments already added;  at the end of the comments, a text box will appear which will allow you to "Enter your comment...". In order to post a comment, you will need a Google Account so that we know who you are. After completing your comment, hit "Publish". (Additionally, you can add a comment to any of the postings if you wish.)

2. If you need help adding comments or need an entire new post (larger than a comment) or have any questions, please let us know.

3. If you have any photos you'd like added to the blog, please email them as well.

In hope and peace,

Dorothy Bender,
Susan Martin, 

Email: 4/24/2013 - from Carrie Johnson

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Carrie wrote:

Since I have been through cancer with five of my family members, I know first-hand that this is not easy for the cancer patient nor the caretakers, especially if they are family members and very close friends.

I just wish I had more pictures to share, but Barbara Ann (Barbie in school) and I got disconnected as she left school early in her senior year.  We did ski together one summer as both of our family’s had boats and that was a neat time in our lives.

As we had just reconnected in the last five or so years we had not gotten to experience each others lives and catch up to all that has happened as we were raising our little ones, working, etc.  So it was with great joy that one weekend on one of her flybys she came and stayed with the family.  We had a great
time cooking for seven kids who just happened to stop by on their way back up to Washington...boy, they kept us busy cutting and chopping for dinner and breakfast.  Barbara Ann also surprised us all with a wonderful accordion we shall never forget.  Then came the fateful walk on the beach where she took a little spill and cut her shin.  Later we discovered that she had found out about “Oil of Oregano” to heal not only her shin boo,boo..but it disinfests everything in the house!!  HAH!

I am so, so sorry to know she has brain cancer, but do know that if anyone can stay the journey through to the end in a peaceful and joyous mind-set, this lady can do!!  I really wanted to come up and see her, but know she has many people who feel the same way.  I understand that rest is probably a good thing for her as well as the is an adjustment for all.  I will be out of town for about three weeks, but if it is still something that seems feasible upon my return, perhaps there will still be time to come up and give her a huge hug and just be with her, even for a short time, I’m there.  I should return by May 15th...and I am thinking she might just be enjoying her time with her family and friends so much that her strength and love of life and music will keep her strong and able to be with us all for a little longer.

Always peace and hope.....Carrie Johnson

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Email: 4/23/2013 - Long Hair........NOTES FROM THE LIVING

From Barbara Ann:

From: b.a. barnett <>
Date: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 8:53 PM

Subject: Long Hair........NOTES FROM THE LIVING

“The simple thing I miss about having long hair is being able to stick a pencil into it.”

“Life—it takes your breath away!”

(am I channeling Emily Dickinson?)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Email: 4/22/2013 - From Rachel Martin Bakker to Barbara Ann

Susan MartinApril 22, 2013 at 9:15 AM
From: Rachel Martin Bakker
Subject: Re: Sad News about Barbara Ann Tho She Is Not At All Sad

Oh gosh what a shock. I remember Barbara taking Beau and me to school in her orange sports car, coffee in one hand, steering wheel under the other. Beau and I crammed in the back, the morning breeze blowing in our hair. It felt exotic and sporty and daring...and cold ;)
Barbara has always had excellent style! She's a true cowgirl with a beautiful cowgirl smile.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Email: 4/22/2013 - From Martine Heyer and respose with photo: Visit to Lake Tahoe

On 4/22/13 4:35 PM, "Martine Heyer" <> wrote:

Dear Barbara Ann,

I so remember living across the hall from you in 1001 Forest. While Vic was the "father" you certainly were the "mother" of this Psychodrama institution.

As well as being the mother of Beau. Who ran around in his little cowboy boots, and wove through the adults, to fall asleep in hallways and foreign rooms, and who kept us all aware of how children grow up. You were always gracious and ever so capable.
Then when Forest Street and your relationship wound down, you took over from Nick and me and moved into the house 57 Homer Lane, where my son Justin was born in 1974,  where I lived for approximately 10 years, minus a few,  and which I still think of as a magical home, in a magical location to this day. You got to enjoy it way longer than I did,  about 35 years or more. Good for you.

You are such a talented lady, from water skiing to accordion playing, while being a professional psychologist on the side, you raised your son and lived your life, like all of us with ups and downs, but continuing forward and upward.

How fortunate you are to have Beau and his wife and children to keep you company and who are eager to take care of you, as you took care of him. I wish you well and am so pleased to hear that you are in good spirits. After all, you are going on your next adventure, and at some point in the future we will all join you there.

In the meantime take as much pleasure as you can and eat some chocolate and
smell some flowers.

Love Martine


From: b.a. barnett <>
Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: Greetings from Panama
To: Martine Heyer <>

Dear Martine,

The sweetness of your message infuses me, floating me back to those unforgettable times we all spent together.  Thanks a lot for sharing the images you carry with you; they have great pleasure and meaning for me. Now, primary focus is being present and staying in the present.  Feels like where healing possibilities may have potential.

I forward this to Beau; he will want to hear your reflections.  It means a lot to him to keep opening out his understanding of the good old days; fills him in around important junctures of his life.  I remember both Justin's and Kyra's births in two adjacent houses?.  I remember capturing you and Nick as Tahoe dealers when my camera surprised the security guards and brought them running, you in your pretty white furry wrap.  And remember with vividness
the road trip that Susan, Kate and I made up to visit with you and Nick, you raising chickens and growing nasturtiums on Homer Lane, an occasional one of which has surprised me over the years with its presence, and reminds me of you and what was.

I wish you and Mark the very best.  See you down the road.
Love & Light,
Barbara Ann

Email: 4/22/2013, From Barbara Ann to the Orchestra

Email from Barbara Ann to Steve:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: b.a. barnett <>
Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 6:39 AM
Subject: Steve, This is important. Please tell the orchestra

Good morning from Santa Cruz where I now reside.  I hope you are sitting down and in a good mood, because I have some difficult news to share.  I want you and the orchestra members to know I got a lot out of my experience there, and I’m sure you all noticed my ‘bumps’ along the way.

11 days ago I became confused and disoriented while finally getting my 96-year old Mother settled in a GOOD nursing home where I trust she will be taking no more nasty falls.  Practically immediately I began to feel confused, was noticed as a disoriented person, swept up in an ambulance, etc. and here I am with terminal brain cancer in one of the most peaceful, copasetic cities you could imagine.

Remembering names is harder now....please give my best always to that trumpeter I enjoyed so much, to the trombonist and to the lovely Russian woman I had wanted to get to know better, to Eric and to dear John.

I do not wish to shock, but sometimes life is shocking and here it is.  You all should know that I feel elevated and informed and blessed to be able to experience ‘completion’ with good communication, in very good humor and in the constantly gentle presence of a family, friends, neighbors, early school chums, etc. pouring endless love into me.  This is what I would call having the time of my life and it takes my breath away.  Be well and DO CARRY ON!!  Don’t ever stop carrying on in all your finest ways.

Love & Light,

Barbara Ann Barnett

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Email: 4/20/2013: 'Giving'

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 5:43 AM, b.a. barnett <> wrote:

Maybe ‘giving’ is a topic to you can help me remember to return to.   It has been swirling around but not yet officially acknowledged as behavior carrying lots of subtlety and meaning. Just off the top of my head:  I’ve never given it much thought.  I’ve had years of feeling into giving, but not thinking about the act/behavior/intention.........  There are very interesting distinctions inside this, I think.  Maybe I’m trying to stretch beyond reach for the time being.  Maybe I’m looking directly into one of life’s secret stashes.  Can’t tell, don’t need immediacy.  Pondering is good.  Being reminded of my intentions is golden, almost as good as what I remember permanently written in chalk on the blackboard of my grammar school:  SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

Thinking of you and what you are giving to me, and have given for so long.

Love & Light