Thursday, April 25, 2013

Email: 4/24/2013 - from Carrie Johnson

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Carrie wrote:

Since I have been through cancer with five of my family members, I know first-hand that this is not easy for the cancer patient nor the caretakers, especially if they are family members and very close friends.

I just wish I had more pictures to share, but Barbara Ann (Barbie in school) and I got disconnected as she left school early in her senior year.  We did ski together one summer as both of our family’s had boats and that was a neat time in our lives.

As we had just reconnected in the last five or so years we had not gotten to experience each others lives and catch up to all that has happened as we were raising our little ones, working, etc.  So it was with great joy that one weekend on one of her flybys she came and stayed with the family.  We had a great
time cooking for seven kids who just happened to stop by on their way back up to Washington...boy, they kept us busy cutting and chopping for dinner and breakfast.  Barbara Ann also surprised us all with a wonderful accordion we shall never forget.  Then came the fateful walk on the beach where she took a little spill and cut her shin.  Later we discovered that she had found out about “Oil of Oregano” to heal not only her shin boo,boo..but it disinfests everything in the house!!  HAH!

I am so, so sorry to know she has brain cancer, but do know that if anyone can stay the journey through to the end in a peaceful and joyous mind-set, this lady can do!!  I really wanted to come up and see her, but know she has many people who feel the same way.  I understand that rest is probably a good thing for her as well as the is an adjustment for all.  I will be out of town for about three weeks, but if it is still something that seems feasible upon my return, perhaps there will still be time to come up and give her a huge hug and just be with her, even for a short time, I’m there.  I should return by May 15th...and I am thinking she might just be enjoying her time with her family and friends so much that her strength and love of life and music will keep her strong and able to be with us all for a little longer.

Always peace and hope.....Carrie Johnson

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