From: <>
Date: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:28 PM
To: Dorothy Bender <>
Hi Dorothy,
As for an update on Barbara Ann, you can tell everyone she's doing great. Other than confusion and some fatigue, she really doesn't have any symptoms yet so we are grateful for that. We met with the Palliative Care team yesterday and Beau, myself, and her will now begin the discussion of how to plan for what's next. Other than that, she is doing great and put as simply as possible, she is loving life, every minute of it.
I also have attached some photos here if you want to post them on the blog so folks can have a visual of the family she is living with. We don't seem to have a lot of all together family photos but I'm sending what I think will work. Griffin (14), Sam (9), & Lucas (6). Thanks again.
Debra -- what a beautiful family you are. Barbara Ann is fortunate to be surrounded by your love and nurturing care.