Friday, September 6, 2013

Sep 6, 2013 - Marya Shahinian visit

A few musings on my visit with Barbara Ann Friday afternoon. She had a headache, asked for medicine and carried on without complaining although the head pain persisted to some degree. Otherwise seemed quite cheery.

We spent a good deal of time with "get well" cards and packages. I opened and read them to BA. She treasures every message and every memory its author evokes. One person sent her a lovely soft stuffed rabbit (toy) that she hugged to her chest, like a child, the whole time I was there. Her delight was very real and she even gave it a name. I wrote some thank you notes at her request (approved by her but composed by me). 

BA's legs are so swollen and heavy that she can barely move them. She lay flat in bed the whole 3 hours until dinner was brought and the electric bed raised her chest to a sitting position. It does not seem good that she moves so little.
I wonder if the nursing home has a wheelchair in which she could be taken outdoors to see the donkey, horses, peaceful surroundings.

BA is quite please with all the clothes that you sent her, colors, texture, size. A bit confused as to who sent them to her but I corrected that. Her lower body was covered with a blanket so I did not see the shorts myself. In her small closet there are a few bags of stuff thrown on the floor. Nothing unpacked, no hangers.

We looked at pictures of her mother, who died just 7 days after mine. BA enjoyed telling me about her mother's last evening and last words, as if inspired by her mother's serenity.

She hopes to have enough energy to play the piano, looks forward to seeing her musician friends on the 7th, breaks into song -- a space of happiness. She has been sent dozens of CDs but there is nothing to play them on. Noise aggravates her headaches, so perhaps she would not play them anyway, and someone has to be there to interface with the CD player.

BA was concerned that some of her musician friends have not contacted her. This may be simple forgetfulness. I thought of a little book where visitors would sign, but who would tell people about it?.  We did talk about the reality that some people do not feel comfortable around the sick and the dying, and so tend to avoid them. 

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