Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2, 2013 - Email from Bill Stevens to Barbara Ann

On Jun 2, 2013, at 9:05 PM, Bill Stevens <> wrote
Dear Barbara -
One night, maybe thirty-three years ago , my friend Kisuna Jacobse invited me to join her at the ___ club in Menlo Park to meet and hear her friend Susan (now Susan Kirk) sing at the piano bar. Kisuna had not
told me that she also wanted me to meet you. Susan was already singing when I arrived. You and Kisuna were nearly finished with your first glass of red. You were smoking a cigarette. Within 20 minutes I was
telling you how amazing it it was to find myself talking to a beautiful stranger who smokes and drinks, as I did, and is a practicing PhD psychologist as well! Just what I should have been! You invited me to visit you the next day on Homer Lane, where you were sunbathing when I arrived. We had a float in the creek Š
Thus began my too brief acquaintance with Barbara Barnett. I understood why it was brief. Among other things I was a very heavy drinker. You wanted to quit drinking altogether.

Kisuna died about 22 years ago. But three weeks ago, with my wife of 25 years, I attended the wedding of Kisuna's 42-year old daughter, Adriane, in Cabo San Lucas. Also attending was Adriane's mother's dear friend, Susan Kirk! I had not seen Susan for at least 30 years. She remembered me. I eventually asked if she knew anything about you. She told me the sad news of your medical condition, and recently sent me a link to the notes and photos on your Desert Flower blog.

It's heart rending but wonderful to see you again in those photos, and to learn a little more about your life before and after our brief interlude. Today I discovered the YouTube videos of your Jazzum performance last year. Who knew? I cried listening to you sing "I'm
crazy about my baby." No doubt I will cry again. I have missed you, Barbara. And I'm a better man for having known you.

It's some comfort to read you saying that you've had a great life and are ready to go when you have to. I'm so glad to know that you are content, well loved, surrounded by family and a host of friends, and still able to read this email.
I love you too.
Bill Stevens

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